четверг, 12 декабря 2019 г.

Today we are going talk about MALL and QR-codes

Nowadays mobile phone is a necessity and it's something you constantly have with you and people look at their mobile phones about 10 times an hour so then its excellent device to deliver much bite-sized learning. 
What is essential about mobile learning? Its not about device, it's about mobility of the learner that we can learn across different contexts, we can learn across different locations as we engage with different communities. 
Now focus is on the mobility of the learner and on the notion of  seamlessness of learning, how you can connect learning from formal settings to informal settings, it's about how you can harness value of context, because it's very important. 


What is QR-code? QR-code is method for encoding information in a graphic picture.
 ( from eng "quick response" - быстрый отклик)

What does it encode? 
  • Internet address 
  • Contact details
  • SMS
  • Geographic details 
  • Texts 
  • Phone numbers 
And now there is a question - How we can use QR-codes in learning ? How can it help us and make much easier the process of studying ?
I think its great thing which we can use almost everywhere in studying process. 
For instance, you can use it in your books as an addition to texts or as an additional task after texts. Also it can be used as an addition to some pictures, studying materials or use it for learning games to make the process of studying more interestings and faster! Yes, faster, when you use QR-code and  it shows  you a necessary site or something in some seconds and you save your time and time of teacher. So i think its an awesome creation and we should  use it in studying process. 

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Hello everyone! Today i have for you mini test with 3 cards  https://quizlet.com/_7qxb2j?x=1qqt&i=2jpai6 Check it, please :)